Jumat, 09 Mei 2008


Oleh: Samsudi *

The capabibility for eny one is very importance in working activities. Basically for every one on working need two aspect of competence, namely soft or managerial competence and hard or technical competence. Any one can produce a standard product when they have a standard capability, they use standard equipment and material and they operate a standard prosedure as well. The role of leader to develop their staff to be a competent person is very important. Most peoples view that training is the proper way to develop human resource, but it is not fully right becouse training can only develop limited of managerial competence. Training mostly can develop technical competence. The effective way for developing staff competence is involving and giving asignment to them on the serial activities in syastematic way.


Didalam dunia kerja baik di pegawai negeri maupun swasta atasan umumnya berperanan penting dalam mengembangkan kompetensinya. Kompetensi umumnya dimengerti sebagai kemampuan kerja dan orang yang kompeten adalah orang yang mampu mengerjakan secara standar. Suatu pekerjaan dapat diproduksi secara standar apabila dikerjakan oleh orang yang kompeten, dengan prosedur standar serta menggunakan alat dan bahan yang standar (Samsudi 2006). Untuk membentuk orang menjadi kompeten dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara dan yang paling populair adalah melalui diklat/pelatihan disamping cara lain seperti penugasan, seminar, worksop dan lain-lain.

Pelatihan merupakan bagian kegiatan pendidikan yang menekankan praktek dari pada teori sehingga lebih terfokus dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan. Bahkan istilah diklat yang digunakan dalam Undang-undang No 13 th 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan adalah pelatihan kerja (Pasal 9 ayat 2).

Pada diri seseorang yang bekerja selalu menggunakan dua kompetensi yaitu kompetensi perilaku/manajerial (soft competence) dan kompetensi teknis (hard competence) sebagai bekal didalam bekerja. Oleh karena itu baik bagi pegawai negeri maupun tenaga kerja dunia usaha/swasta dan masyarakat harus dikembangkan dua kompetensi tersebut secara terprogram agar mereka menjadi lebih produktif. Hal ini ditekankan melalui Undang-undang no. 13 tentang ketenagakerjaan tahun 2003 dengan pernyataan: “Setiap tenaga kerja berhak untuk memperoleh dan/atau meningkatkan dan/atau mengembangkan kompetensi kerja sesuai dengan bakat, minat, dan kemampuannya melalui pelatihan kerja (Pasal 11 ).

* Widyaiswara Pusat Diklat Kehutanan-Bogor

Dibanyak kasus atasan mengeluh karena bawahan/anak buahnya sulit diatur dan tidak bisa menyelesaikan tugas sesuai keinginan organisasi. Pada kenyataannya memang bisa jadi atasannya yang tidak melakukan tugas mengembangkan bawahan dengan efektif atau bawahannya memang sulit dikendalikan. Dari aspek manajemen kondisi seperti itu menjadi tanggung jawab atasan.
Harus disadari bahwa salah satu tugas penting yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan adalah mengembangkan/mengkader bawahannya disamping memberi tugas dalam rangka menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Jadi bila suatu unit kerja terjadi pergantian pimpinan kemudian jalannya teseok-seok berarti kederisasi tidak berjalan dengan baik. Mungkin negara ini juga tidak terjadi kaderisasi secara baik sehingga perjalanan pemerintahan atau negara ini dalam membangun terjadi up and down dengan fluktuasi yang begitu besar. Hal ini juga sangat mungkin terjadi pada bagian/ unit-unit organisasi/lembaga negara baik di pusat maupun daerah. Seringkali kita melihat seorang pimpinan begitu sibuknya sehingga tidak sempat memikirkan dan melakukan pengkaderan anak buahnya. Seringkali seorang pimpinan bekerja hanya sekedar mengejar penyelesaian tugas yang ada/perintah atasannya sehingga setiap hari bekerja hingga larut malam dan tidak punya waktu berpikir secara jernih.

Banyak pihak juga memandang bahwa pelatihan/diklat merupakan cara yang strategis untuk mengembangkan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Ada beberapa alasan yang biasanya dikemukanan, misalnya karena pelatihan dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat untuk target kelompok sasaran yang banyak. Disamping itu bila pelatihan didesain dengan bagus dapat: meningkatkan motivasi kerja, membangun kerjasama dan jejaring kerja, menumbuhkan wawasan dan kreasi peserta, menjadi pemicu perubahan, meningkatkan rasa kebersamaan/keterikatan dengan organisasi atau nilai-nilai yang dikembangkan dan lain-lain.

Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang peranan atasan dan diklat dalam meningkatkan kompetensi perilaku bawahannya.

Di Indonesia ada dua kelompok tenaga kerja yaitu yang bekerja pada negara atau pegawai negeri dan yang bekerja pada sektor swasta/perorangan atau lazim disebut tenaga kerja. Keduanya sebenarnya sama-sama tenaga kerja yang harus kompeten dalam melaksanakan pembangunan dinegara RI kita ini, hanya tugas yang diemban berbeda.

Pengertian kompetensi menurut Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Nomor: PER. 21/MEN/X/2007 tentang Tata Cara Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) menyatakan bahwa kompetensi adalah kemampuan kerja setiap individu yang mencakup pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan sikap kerja yang sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan
Pengertian kompetensi yang disampaikan oleh para pengajar pada pelatihan penyusunan SKKNI dari Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) adalah kemampuan yang dilandasi oleh pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan sikap kerja untuk menyelesaikan tugas atau pekerjaan.

Gaia Solutions sebuah konsultan bidang assesmen kompetensi (soft competency) memberikan pengertian tentang kompetensi sebagai beragam sikap, perilaku, pengetahuan, kemampuan, motif serta beragam karakteristik personal lainnya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan : yang akan menentukan seberapa baik dan buruk pekerjaan itu.

Dari uraian-uraian tentang pengertian kompetensi tersebut diatas ada yang cenderung terfokus pada kompetensi teknis dan ada yang cenderung terfokus pada kompetensi manajerial.

Namun demikian yang jelas pada seseorang yang bekerja memerlukan dua kompetensi baik perilaku maupun teknis. Gambaran tentang kompetensi tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:



Kamis, 08 Mei 2008



1.Name : SAMSUDI

2.Address : Jl. Gunung Batu Po. Box. 141 Bogor, Indonesia
Telp. : + 62 (251) 313622
Hp : +62 (812) 8065424
Fax : +62 (251) 323565
Email : samsudi_wi@yahoo.co.id

3. Date and place of birth : June 7, 1953 Klaten, Indonesia.

4 Nasionality : Indonesian

5 Lenguage skill :






Mother tongue



6. Education:

Degree or Diplomas obtained
Major study
Year obtained
1. Master of Science
Wageningen Agriculture University,
The Netherlands
Silviculture and Forest Ecology
2. Engineer
Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Forest Economic

7. Training attended:

Type of



Assesor for personnel Competency
National Body for Profession Certification
5 days
Basic Interview
Gaia Solution
2 days

Scenario planning

Forestry Planning Agency,
8 days
Personnel Assessor
Gaia Solution
5 days

Scientific paper production
Center of Education and Training for Forestry, Bogor
4 days
Training Needs
And Performance Analysis.

Total Media Performa, Indonesia
3 days
Curriculum Development
The Center for Education and Training of Forestry
15 days
Overseas Training Teaching Award Course
Wolverhampton University, United Kingdom
3 months
Peat most Silvicuture
Cariboo College, Canada and Pekanbaru Forestry Training Center, Indonesia.
5 months
Project Planning
The Center for Education and Training of Forestry
1 month
Sawn Timber
The Ministry of Forestry
1 month
Basic Course for Environmental Impact
The Institute of Bandung Technology
15 days
The Directorate of Work
Force Development Office,
South Kalimantan.
15 days

8. Professional Experiences:

Duration Assignment and duties

1989 – 2008 Personal activities

· Being active producing forest trees seedling/nursery
· Being active planting forest trees


· Teaching subjects of Forest Inventory, Applied Statistic for Forest Inventory, Forest Trees Seedling Identification, Nursery Techniques, Forest Plantation and Tending, Forest Community, Teaching Methodology and Forest Fire Prevention, Human Resources Development of Human Resources for Forest Concessionaires , Training Needs Assessment, Farmer Group Administration, Private Forest Administration, Curriculum Development and Competency test Methodology .
· Producing the manual of Training Needs Assessment for Forestry Training.
· Conducting Training Needs Assessment for some forestry training programs.
· Developing the curriculum and syllabus on forestry training programs, Training of Trainers on Teaching Methodology, Curriculum Development Training and Personal Assessor Training.
· Designing forestry training programs, Training of Trainers and Teaching Methodology, Personal Assessor Training and Job Analysis Training, Biodiversity Technical Survey.
· Teaching on the Training of Trainers of Biodiversity Technical Survey.
· Teaching the subject of Training Needs Assessment for Forestry Training.
· Producing the training materials of forestry training programs, Training of Trainers and Teaching Methodology, Management of Training, Personal Assessor Training and Job Analysis Training.
· Testing manual of Trainers of Teaching Methodology Manual for Module I and II.
· Translating Training of Trainers of Teaching
Methodology Manual for Module I and II.
· Producing module of some forestry training programs, Training Needs Assessment Course and Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Prevention.
· Assisting Agriculture Vocational School on education system.
· Assisting the Regional Forest Tree Seeds Extension Strategy.
· Evaluating the impact of forestry training programs.
· Evaluating the Forest Ranger School program.
· Conducting research on the field of forestry training
· Being a member of Assessor of Personnels Assessment Centre in The Ministry of Forestry.
· Producing competency test instrument for forestry personnel and workers on soft and technical competency
· Conducting competency test for forestry personnel and workers on soft and technical competency.
· Being the Chief Editor of Silvika Bulletin in the Centre of Education and Training for Forestry.
· Teaching subject of Forest Inventory for Diploma IV
· Supervising on thesis production of Diploma IV Forestry Extension students
· Assisting the development of Curriculum for Sustainable Forest Management Training in South and Central Kalimantan Production Forest Project-European Community.
· Being a team member in producing the National Forestry Long term Plan 2005 – 2025.
· Teaching subject of forest seedling assessment.
· Designing competence test instrument for forest seedling assessors.
· Testing the competence of the forest tree seedling assessors.

1987-1988 Master degree Study programme :
Wageningen Agricultural University, Facultf
Forestry, The Netherland.

Field stydy: Forest Ecology and Silviculture

Thesis : Stem cuttings and tissue culture of
Agathis loranthifollia

1985 – 1986
Planning Staff

· Organizing the planning of forestry regional
training activities.
· Organizing curriculum development activities
Conducting training budget arrangement

1982 – 1984 South Kalimantan Forest Service
Section Head of Forest Product Processing

· Monitoring the number of wood mill unit
· Monitoring and evaluating plywood mill
construction progress.
· Monitoring wood intake and production of
plywood and sawn timber.
· Being member of negotiating team especially for
workforces having conflict with companies.

1980 – 1982 South Kalimantan Forest Service
Forest Production Division Staff

· Controlling forest inventory
· Controlling forest felling
· Evaluating forest plantation/enrichment

9. Current employer :

Name : Ir. E. Kosasih
The Director of Yayasan Wana Bhakti Sejahtera

Address : Gedung. Manggala Wanabhakti
Jl. Gatot Subroto Telp. 021. 57301518

10. Summary of assignments and the duration :



Funding Agency






Facilitating the training on Multistakeholders process for Forest Managemant Unit development.

Facilitating the Workshop on Capacity Building of Forest Management Unit Development

Short term Consultant

Training Needs Assessment of Local Communities Involved in Forest Rehabilitation.

Developing curriculum and syllabus of 4 kinds of training:
· Farmer Group Management,
· Trees Nursery.
· Plantation and Private Forest Administration.
· Inventory ang Forest Harvesting and Wood administration.

Producing Training Manuals:
· Farmer Group Management,
· Trees Nursery.
· Plantation and Private Forest Administration.
· Harvesting and Wood administration.

Teaching on the subject of:

· Job Analysis Training

· Action Plan on
Sustainable Forest
Management Training

· Teaching Methodology
on Training of
Trainers of Sustainable
Forest Management.

· Practical teaching skill

Team member:

· Designing the assessment criteria for personnel

· Being active as Forester Assessor at the Personnel Assessment
Center in The Ministry of

· Involving in producing National Long Term Plan for Forestry.

Short term Consultant:

· Assisting Curriculum Development Specialist for Sustainable Forest Management



ITTO and Ciamis Forest District

ITTO and Ciamis Forest District

ITTO and Ciamis Forest District

South-Central Kalimantan Production Forest Project

National Secretariate - Australian Aid

Cooperation between Indonesian Forest Concessionaires Association and ITTO .

Training of Trainers on Teaching Methodology Excuted by the Center of Education and Training for Forestry.

The Ministry of Forestry

The Ministry of Forestry

Ministry of Forestry

European Union Project on South and Central Kalimantan Forest Product














10 days

3 days

1 month

15 days

2,5 months

10 days

12 days

20 days

4 days

30 days

3 months

Team Leader:

· Conducting Training Needs Assessment in theMinistry of Forestry at Organization Level

The Ministry of Forestry.


2 months

Team member:

· Producing the module on Open University

· Producing Criteria and Indicator of Forestry Personnel Competency.

The Ministry of Forestry.

The Ministry of Forestry.



3 months

4 months
Short term Consultant:

· Assisting Regional Forest Tree Seed Center to produce the Extension Strategy on the Forest Tree Seeds.

Indonesia Forest Seeds Project
( Indonesia-Denmark)


2 months

Team Leader:

· Conducting the Training Needs Assessment of Forest Fire Prevention.

· Developing Curriculum and Syllabus of Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Prevention.
· Designing Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Prevention .

· Preparing teaching material for Training of Trainers on Forest Fire Prevention .

Human Resource Development- Forestry Training
( ITTO – The Ministry of Forestry )


5 months

· Teaching the subject of:
· Training Needs Assessment.

· Developing curriculum of the Training of Trainers of Biodiversity Technical Survey

· Teaching on the Training of Trainers of Biodiversity Technical Survey.

The Ministry of Forestry


2 month


Team Leader:

· Producing the Manual of Training Needs Assessment for Forestry.

The Ministry of Forestry


1 months

Short term Consultant:

· Assisting the development of Agriculture Vocational School Management Development..

The Ministry of Education and Culture – Asian Development Bank.


3 months
Team Member:

· Designing the training of Personal Assessors on Forestry Sector.

· Developing the Curriculum and Syllabus of Personal Assessor Training on Forestry Sector.

· Preparing training
material of Personal
Assessor Training on
Forestry Sector.

· Preparing training material for the Development of Human Resources ( the Forest Concessionaires ).

The Ministry of Forestry

Indonesia- UK Forest Management Project - Sub Project : Training



2 months

15 days


Teaching the Subject of:

· Teaching Methodology on Training of Trainers.

· Human Resources Development for the Forest Concessionaires.

· Nursery Techniques, Forest Inventory and Forest Plantation.

· Applied Statistic for Forest Inventory.

· Teaching the Subject of Personal Assessor Training for Forestry Sector.

Indonesia- UK Forest Management Project -Sub Project : Training .

Indonesia- UK Forest Management Project -Sub Project : Training

The Ministry of Forestry



6 months

15 days

Teaching the Subject of :

· Forest Inventory, Applied Statistic, Nursery Techniques and Forest Plantation

The Ministry of Forestry


6 months

11. Papers/books written:

· Peranan Atasan dan training dalam Mengembang perilaku bawahan (Indonesian)
· Bagaimana Mengajar Sikap (Indonesian)
· Memilih Metode Pembelajaran (Indonesian)
· Telaah Kurikulum (Indonesian)
· Pendidikan dan Pelatihan sebagai Tonggak Kebangkitan Bangsa
( Indonesian)
· Planting Movement as a Key Factor of Sustainable Forest Management.
· Pengenalan Jenis Bibit Tanaman Hutan ( Indonesian).
· Statistik Terapan Untuk Inventarisasi Hutan ( Indonesian).
· Teknik Persemaian ( Indonesian).
· Reklamasi Bekas Pertambangan. ( Indonesian).
· Silvikultur Jenis. ( Indonesian).
· Curriculum and Sylabus for Sustainable Forest Management
· Manajement Konflik ( Indonesian).
· Laporan Evaluasi Pelatihan Bina Wisata Alam (Indonesian)
· Evaluasi Diklat Forest Ranger (Indonesian)
· Pengenalan Jenis bibit Tanaman Gerakan Rehabilitasi Lahan (Indonesian)
· Laporan Hasil Penelitian Identifikasi Kebutuhan Pelatihan Pejabat Pengendali Ekosistem Hutan (Indonesian)
· Laporan Hasil Penelitian Identifikasi Kebutuhan Pelatihan Pejabat Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (Indonesian).

Bogor, May 15, 2008